Emotional Intelligence 2024-04-23T17:03:49+00:00


Emotional intelligence (EI) and our emotional quotient (EQ) are vital components of proper human functioning; they are largely recognized as playing pivotal roles in one’s level of success and happiness in life.

The good news is that EQ is measurable and everyone has the potential to develop and enhance their EQ.

Assessing our EQ should be the first step towards developing our EQ. For that purpose, I turn to the most scientifically-validated emotional intelligence assessment on the market, the EQ-i 2.0. It is the most widely used assessment in the world and is available in two versions:

  • THE EQ-i 2.0     a self-assessment tool for individuals or team members
  • THE EQ 360       a self-report and multi-rater assessment for individuals seeking the benefits of a holistic view

A debrief session and detailed report follows the completion of the online assessment. During this session, I will unveil the findings of your assessment and recommend the development options that best meet your individual needs and preferences. With a strategically designed program, you are well on your way to developing vital EQ competencies.

Applications for using the EQ-i 2.0 or the EQ 360 include leadership development, personal development, high potential identification, team effectiveness, performance improvement, customer service enhancement, sales growth, organizational effectiveness and many more.