Assessments Overview 2024-04-23T15:19:26+00:00


Real change starts with an increase in self-awareness

For development programs to be successful and impactful, they need to address real development needs. The principal reason why coaches choose to rely on assessments is that they offer numerous benefits to the client such as adding value and enriching the coaching experience. In selecting self-evaluations or 360 degree-type assessments the coach and client will gain access to:

  • insightful information and data
  • a broadened view of the development potential of the individual or team
  • better perspectives concerning real needs, blind spots and areas of development that may otherwise go unnoticed
  • valuable discussion points to be addressed throughout the coaching relationship

As a coach, I utilize the results of an assessment as a baseline from which to create a framework of development that is personalized and meets the exact needs of my clients. The elaboration of an individual development plan (IDP) will offer strategic direction and structure to my client’s coaching program, creating alignment and focus on what truly matters.

 Available assessments